Our Champion Blue Staffy Stud Dog

Champion Moris


 Blue Staffy Stud Dog Provider in UK and Worldwide

Introducing Bullscaff Blue Staffy Ch Moris

BULLSCAFF The Home of Blue Champions / who specialise in 4 of the most outstanding stud dogs that you can find would like to introduce to you our solid black but blue gene holding Champion Moris Sama Slodycz at Bullscaff!!!

Not only is this boy a JCh, Ch Polish and JCh, Ch Lithuania Champion he is UK KC registered and Crufts qualified for life!!

Ch Moris also holds an outstanding 43 Champions in his 5 generation pedigree which enables him to pass down an phenomenal 25 Champions onto his puppies pedigree!

Blue staffy stud dog provider UK and Worldwide. Staffordshire terriers. Artificial insemination. Enquire button 4


Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier Stud Dog. Family tree 3.





No other staffy can offer you this amount of champions. 



Not only is Moris a champion his parents are champions too which only emphasises the amount of upfront champions and quality he holds that hasn't been lost at the back end of pedigrees as many other stud dogs advertised do.

Standing at 15 inches tall being solid black with zero white Ch Moris is one of the most spectacular looking true to type Staffordshire Bull Terriers out there, with his spectacular defined bully head chiselled looks and short muzzle he has the perfectly formed rose ears and scissor bite an excellent top line and the much desired dark brown eyes and jet black nails too.


Moris as in our other 3 boys has a low inbreeding percentage of 5.6% which means that when you use him the breeding percentages will remain below the UK average.

He is of excellent temperament and lives within our family home being fully health tested L2HGA - HC-HSF4 clear with all vaccinations, boosters, worming and fleaing kept up to date on a regular basis.




Blue Staffy Stud Dog Provider. Worldwide Staffordshire dog semen shipping. Bullscaff Champion Moris.

Blue Staffy Stud Dog Provider. Bullscaff Champion Moris 2. Worldwide Staffordshire dog semen shipping.

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Perfect Stud Qualities

* It's a known fact when breeding the blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier it's of the upmost importance that you are able to find, add and keep the correct colour pigmentation, this is why Moris is one of but only a few perfect picks for your future blue breeding plans.

* He has everything on offer for you to start producing those show quality blues unless of course you wish to use a blue Champion as in one of our other two boys that have very strong black lines running though their pedigrees too.

PLEASE NOTE - If your girl doesn’t take we will offer you the following mating FREE of charge.





Our Stud Service


Should you wish to proceed we will offer you 2 x matings 48 hours apart with the full unconditional support that you deserve throughout your girls pregnancy and birth which will include in the unfortunate event any rehoming of the puppies as we now have an extensive list of people waiting to purchase his puppies throughout Europe and the UK which can be seen within any one of our regularly updated social media accounts.

THE STUD FEE IS £600 if paid in full on the first mating or should you wish to choose to use our SECOND OPEN ENDED OPTION you pay £350 on the first mating then £350 at the birth of the puppies (£700 in total) this fee has been set because of the unrivalled quality and pedigree that Ch Moris is able to pass onto your litters pedigree.


*To find out the exact inbreeding coefficient for Ch Moris and your intended girl on the Kennel Club's website please copy and paste his full following kennel club name / POL CH MORIS SAMA SLODYCZ AT BULLSCAFF (IMP POL)

PLEASE NOTE - If your girl doesn’t take we will offer you the following mating FREE of charge.

When breeding the blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier it is important that you add the correct colour pigmentation, this is why our Ch Moris being a solid black while holding the blue gene is one of only a few perfect choices available for your future blue breeding programmes.

*Ch Moris puppies are selling for £2000 - £3500 across the internet and within the for sale section of this website in a matter of days from first advertisement.

Artificial Insemination

Something else to consider is that we also offer Chilled and Frozen semen shipments throughout the UK (England, Scotland and Wales) which could possibly save you on any lengthy inconvenient costly trips... all we need is 24 hours notice and the name of your local Vetenary Practice who is able to perform the Ai.

Ai, Chilled and Frozen semen shipments are also available Worldwide on request.

Bullscaff has had success in 14 different Countries that includes Australia where Piro was the first ever blue stud dog from the UK to have been used and because of his success he has attributed to our other boys semen being sent there which includes a shipment from our Ch Moris that attributed to a litter of 8 healthy puppies.


**Bullscaff can also be found on Champdogs, Instagram Facebook


NOTE - We are aware that a small number of breeders are continuing to copy our adverts and import dogs to try and establish a similar status to us but unfortunately for them we excel past these individuals with our own vast experience and knowledge of the breed that you cannot buy or fake, so please remember when your dealing with Bullscaff your getting the perfect blue print and not the fake copy 



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